Members must be at least 13 years old.
Specify if you are interested in being contacted by other members.
Choose a nickname.
Nicknames can be composed of minimum 4, maximum 20 characters including non-accented letters, numbers, dash, underscore, excluding special characters like dot etc.. The first character should be a letter.
NOTE: It will not be possible to change your nickname after the registration is completed.
Nicknames must be unique. The system will advise you if your nickname is not already in use, in which case you will have to change it.
Nicknames are not case sensitive, so it does not matter whether you use lower or uppercase characters.
Choose a password. Its length must be between 5 and 12 characters.
Please specify the reason why you have decided to unregister from Tutors-Live.
Your email address is required for administrative use and will not be shown to other users.
Registered users will be able to contact you by means of the Tutors-Live internal email system.
This is to protect your privacy and reduce the number of messages you may receive from people who are not serious about tutoring.
Picture must be a JPG file not longer than 500 KB.
Your face should be clearly visible (landscapes and objects are not allowed).
Note that only users with a valid picture are shown in the facewall view of the 'find tutors' page.
This is to block robots that register false users automatically.
You can upload an image file not larger than 200 KB, with extension jpg or gif.
Add max. 5 languages by clicking the "plus" button.
If your language is not included in the selection list, choose "other" and specify the language in your profile and/or profile title.
Insert a profile title (min 30 characters, max 80 characters) describing the essentials aspects of your offer if you are a tutor, or your person if you are a student.
It will appear in search result listings.
Insert a profile describing yourself and your services.
Maximum length is 1500 characters. Must be longer than the profile title or empty.
It will appear in your user information page.
You cannot register without reading and accepting the terms of use of Tutors-Live.
Fill in the following form and click the "Create my account" button. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Fields marked with
are required for administrative use and will not be shown to other users.